Thursday, October 3, 2024

FutureWatch: Visualizing Radio Waves to Detect Eavesdropping Bugs

If you could see radio waves it would make finding your misplaced mobile phone easier.
It would also make finding eavesdropping bugs and covert spy cameras easier to find, too.

We are not quite there yet, but progress is being made. A French company, Luxondes, is working on this now. Their focus, however, is not consumer or TSCM oriented. The immediate profit market is product testing. 

In this video, they show a transmitting device being waved in front of a panel with 64 sensors operating between 50 MHz and 3 GHz. 

Being able to visualize radio waves is necessary for many reasons. As TSCM practitioners, we want this technology to evolve.  
  • Initially, by developing a hand-held screen which can be moved around a room or vehicle. 
  • Eventually, by developing a device—maybe a spatial headset—that displays radio-frequency energy as a 3-D fog, lidar-map the room, and document both for review and as evidence. 
  • And, whenever possible, add AI capabilities. Determine the frequency. List what is legally allowed to use that frequency. Analyze and identify the waveform. Display the results, and highlight any anomalies. 
With any luck, REI is also working on this for us.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

AI Lip Reading: Eavesdropping Without a Microphone or Laser

 Eavesdropping via lip reading has been around a long time, probably since Og saw Charlie mouth "shhhh" when a bear approached their cave.

My introduction to eavesdropping via lip reading came around 1976. A company president asked for a sweep of his upper floor corner office for bugs. None found. He asked about the possibility of laser eavesdropping. Very unlikely, however, a careful visual scan of nearby buildings directly across on both streets discovered, one floor down, and just off center, there was the glint of a lens, and a darkened room with a desk, and two people. Further investigation established, yes, it was eavesdropping via lip reading.

The concept of AI lip reading actually predated this case. It was 1968, in the movie, 2001, A Space Odyssey. Remember this scene? "Concerned about HAL's behaviour, Bowman and Poole enter an EVA pod so they can talk in private without HAL overhearing. They agree to disconnect HAL if he is proven wrong. HAL follows their conversation by lip reading."

It is now 2024 and real AI lip reading has just arrived from Symphonic Labs. I took advantage of their offer to test the beta app. Of course, it was not 100% accurate, but massively impressive nonetheless.  

For the test, I selected a random YouTube video. (Nate, at the Daily Drop A 10-second video clip was extracted. The clip was processed through Apple's Quicktime to remove the audio track before submitting it to the Symphonic Labs' app. 

This is what Nate is really saying about airport screening: "But if you decide to get Clear and if you do see one of the signs at the airport that has Clear and TSA Precheck then don’t assume that is your fastest option, All right, so hopefully I did a…"

Here is what the AI app reconstructs what Nate is saying:

This is an impressive start, and expected to become much more accurate as the number of training models increases. And, it’s not all for spies. Think about talking to your computer or smartphone without others eavesdropping on you

Better start thinking about what you say, where you say it, and establishing a relationship with a technical information security consultant to protect your business.

"My family knew that my father had been tapping the phone lines."

IT WAS PAST CURFEW. My friend cut his headlights and dropped me off in my driveway. From the little peaked window atop the garage, yellow light filtered.

Someone was in the attic.

I walked up the pebble path that bordered the house, opened the side door, and stepped into the garage.

It was hot. It was dark. The ladder to the attic was folded down, and from the ceiling-access square a faint light glowed. I heard my mother's voice. I took a step closer to catch what she was saying.

"Mom?" I said.

I heard a click. She stopped talking.

"Beth Anne?" my dad said from above.

"Dad? What are you doing?" "I'll be in in a little bit." I walked into the house and down the hallway and peeked into my parents' room. My mother was asleep on her side of the bed.

A FEW YEARS LATER, when I was away at college, I learned that my father had been tapping the phone lines. more$

Mistress Recorded Trysts with Italian Minister on ‘Spy Glasses’

Gennaro Sangiuliano’s spurned former lover took to social media to reveal details of their affair.

Gennaro Sangiuliano, the culture minister who is married, met Maria Rosaria Boccia, a former men’s fashion retailer from Pompeii, at a political rally a year ago.

She subsequently attended ministerial meetings, gained access to the Palazzo Montecitorio, home to one of Italy’s two parliamentary houses, and accompanied Sangiuliano, 62, at official events around the country, from Taormina in Sicily to Riva Ligure in Liguria.

Boccia has accused her former lover of misusing public funds to pay for her trips, providing access to confidential information and appointing her as an adviser despite a conflict of interest.

She has supported her assertions with audio recordings of phone calls with ministerial officials, screenshots of emails and flight tickets, and photos of confidential programmes for official events.

Throughout their affair she recorded an unknown number of private conversations, using her phone and a pair of Ray-Ban Stories sunglasses, which have a built-in camera and microphone. Footage taken also shows the corridors of the Palazzo Montecitorio, where it is forbidden to film. more

She used an AirTag to bait thieves. It worked!

Santa Barbara County sheriff’s deputies were called for a report of mail theft. This was not the first time the woman's box was hit.

She decided to take matters into her own hands and mailed herself a package containing an Apple AirTag, a tracking device that can be used to help people find their personal items through a Bluetooth signal. 

Her mail was stolen Aug. 19, according to the Sheriff’s Office, including the package with the tracking device. The woman showed deputies that she was able to track the package to the 600 block of East Sunrise Drive in Santa Maria. Deputies found the woman’s mail, including the package with the AirTag along with items that were probably stolen from more than a dozen additional victims, according to the Sheriff’s Office. more

Trump Aides Evacuated Offices - Bugging Fears

The Trump campaign and Republican National Committee offices in West Palm Beach, Fla., were abuzz with talk of listening devices and espionage, possibly by a foreign government. The police were called and the offices were closed for a forensic search. The reality was more Charlie Chaplin than John le Carré.

A plastic prank device that can be purchased on Amazon for $13.97 was the cause of the problem.

A police report from the West Palm Beach police department, obtained by The New York Times, detailed the incident. Devices were found on Thursday after people heard beeping under a staff member’s desk at the Trump campaign offices. When Trump officials searched, they found additional devices, for a total of three. more
Weird items that people think are bugs is an issue more common than you might think.