Friday, October 1, 2010
BlackBerry Responds to Government Monitoring
RIM co-CEO Jim Balsillie has no objections if companies that make use of its secure BlackBerry smartphones want to hand over their encryptio...
Monday, September 27, 2010
FutureWatch - The Privacy Party is Over
Federal law enforcement and national security officials are preparing to seek sweeping new regulations for the Internet, arguing that their...
Corporate Espionage in India
India - Corporate espionage is on the rise in the country, with the digital medium offering an extremely fertile ground for its perpetuation...
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Eavesdropping Suit Settled During Secret Phone Call
CA - After meeting in closed session by teleconference with attorney Susan Trager, Bighorn-Desert View Water Agency directors announced Tues...
"Ruff, ruff, I'm going to get tutored!"
VA - "The Danville Area Humane Society will have more options for spying and neutering dogs and cats belonging to residents of Danville...
Laser Eavesdropping - 50 year old technology...
...still amazing the newbies. "Here’s a surprisly (sic) simple way to build yourself a laser-based listening device . It consists of t...
Spy Story #771 - Famous Last Words
"Let's go with the low bid on this sweep thing." (Corporate takeover victim. Not a member of the Murray Associates client fa...
Saturday, September 25, 2010
OSS Memorabilia - Warning & Request
If you have been saving OSS memorabilia and would like to see it properly preserved, or you have inherited OSS items and don't know what...
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
The "Thousand Grains of Sand" Approach to Business Espionage
American counter-intelligence efforts are snagging more Chinese spies. This may be more because of increased spying effort by China, than m...
Eavesdrop on Cell Phones? Beware Divine Justice
A new study shows that the overheard half of cell phone dialogue can steal our attention from other tasks, with potentially dangerous outcom...
Low Tech Still Works - Bin Noc'ed Up
WI - A Racine County man is accused of spying on ATM customers with binoculars, and then using ID numbers to grab money from their bank acco...
What's Worse Than One 'Cash Cab'?
3,024 Spy Cabs! Apparently not content the with the more than 2.75 million surveillance cameras they already have blanketing public spaces, ...
Hand-Powered Paper Shredder
Shredsors - 9-blade portable shredding scissors Perfect for destroying junk mail, bank statement, old credit cards, top secret memos and p...
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
The Pit and the Password Pendulum
via Risks-Forum Digest Monday 20 September 2010 Volume 26 : Issue 17 "The discussion about overly complex password rules reminds me ...
Monday, September 20, 2010
Ear Mullets with Eyes
Pecker would have loved this. "Looxcie is always on, continuously videoing – there's no record button. When you experience somethin...
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