Friday, November 28, 2014
The Bug Heard Round the World
Katana FT-1 is a miniature voice recorder with built-in Wi-Fi transmitter. It records high quality audio on a MicroSD card. Yet to lis...
Aged Law Urped Up to Decrypt Phone Data
The Justice Department is turning to a 225-year-old law to tackle a very modern problem: password-protected cellphones. Prosecutors last...
Log Jam - Forces You to Shut Up and Experience Where You Are
Artist and coder Allison Burtch has created a new device to save us from our cellphones and ourselves. It comes in the form of a 10-inc...
Sunday, November 23, 2014
How They Do It - Spying on Citizens in Central Asia
A recent report from Privacy International has tried to shine some light on the methods Central Asian governments are using to track th...
Hey Kids! You Too Can Have Cool NSA Spy Toys
Welcome to the home of the NSA Playset. In the coming months and beyond, we will release a series of dead simple, easy to use tools to ena...
This Week in Wiretap News
ID - The former information technology director of a hospital in Blackfoot was sentenced to three years of probation after he was convicted ...
Adequately Protected Trade Secrets Can Keep You Out of Court... and a winner in court.
by Mark L. Krotoski, Esq. Trade secrets can be among the most valuable assets a company has. According to one study, "Two thirds of en...
Thursday, November 20, 2014
FREE - Enemy-of-the-State Spyware Detection Tool
via " Detekt is an easy-to-use, open source tool that allows users to check their Windows PCs for signs of infection by su...
Covert Video Leaves Business Running Around Like a Chicken with its...
TN - Koch Foods on Wednesday denied its Chattanooga processing plant is inhumanely treating chickens by scalding the birds alive and shackli...
Memory Stick Voice Recorder - Patiently Listens 24/7, for 25 Days
This Voice-Activated USB drive looks and functions like an ordinary flash drive. Secretly, this storage device conceals hidden a microphone....
Speed, Instant Ticket... or, You Can Drive, But You Can't Hide
FutureWatch: Russia - 1200 complexes of photo and video registration will be installed in 381 sections of federal highways and regional road...
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Everything You Wanted to Know About Cell Phone Tracking via Call Detail Records
What is Cellular Data Analysis? How is Cellular Data Analysis Used? What about Triangulation? Is There an Accurate Way to Track a Cell Phon...
Fake Cell Tower Survey on Indiegogo
If there's somethin' strange in your neighborhood Who ya gonna call (cellbusters) If it's somethin' weird an it don't ...
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Your Email is Hacked - Now What?
The State Department has suspended its unclassified email system in response to a suspected hacking attack. The unprecedented shutdown...
Dark Hotel - Cleverly Engineered to Conduct Corporate Espionage
A new advanced persistent threat (APT), known as DarkHotel, is now targeting C-level executives of major businesses. Instead of...
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