Friday, September 15, 2017
FutureWatch - Microphone with an Ear and Brains, or how to stay ahead of the bad guys...
Clients know how quickly technology advances, and they occasionally ask... "Aren't you always one step behind the bad guys?"...
Tuesday, September 12, 2017
New Clickless Bluetooth Attack - Billions of Devices Vulnerable
Researchers have devised an attack that uses the wireless technology to hack a wide range of devices, including those running Android, Linux...
Friday, September 8, 2017
Cautionary Tale: Spycams in Schools
As the school season starts, unfortunately it's time to remind children to be alert for spycams. Unfortunately, this is a story which po...
Wednesday, September 6, 2017
The Good News, Bad News VPN Joke
In January this year, China announced a 14-month campaign to crack down on VPNs in a bid to tighten online surveillance ahead of the 19th N...
Apple Watch is Center of Sports Spying Scandal
For decades, spying on another team has been as much a part of baseball’s gamesmanship as brushback pitches and hard slides. The Boston Red...
"So, we created a picture of our suspect from DNA sweat found on the bugging device."
Damn interesting.. . Identification of Individuals by Trait Prediction Using Whole-genome Sequencing Data Researchers from Human Longevit...
Wiretapping Gained Interest This Week... and why.
There was a big spike in wiretap searches this week... Here's why... Justice Department: No evidence Trump Tower was wiretapped
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
Eavesdropping Boss Must Pay for Unjust Dismissal
A woman whose boss used to eavesdrop on her phone conversations with clients has won €10,000 in compensation after she was sacked illegally ...
These Companies Can Track Any Phone Anywhere
Tracking or tapping phones across the planet used to be a niche capability. Now, a myriad of for-profit spy companies sell border-crossing ...
Spy Tech Talk - A Method to Detect a Wiretap Attack
...encryption and other forms of protection are important for fiber optic/copper communications, but there is also the need to consider phy...
Spy Tech Talk - How to Stop ISPs From Spying on Your IoTs
Botnets are not the only threat to your Internet of Things (IoT) devices: Your internet service provider (ISP) can also detect and track you...
Saturday, August 26, 2017
When Spies Screw Up
Botched surveillance job may have led to strange injuries at US embassy in Cuba. At first thought to be a deliberate attack, the outbreak ...
Thursday, August 24, 2017
When Mars Attacks, We May Already be Dead
Some of the most popular industrial and consumer robots are dangerously easy to hack and could be turned into bugging devices or weapons , I...
Google 500+ Spy Apps - Update
Google has removed over 500 apps that included mobile games for teenagers from its Play Store on account of a spyware threat. The decision...
Shoulder Surfers Get Faked Out with IllusionPIN App
Researchers have created a smartphone application to combat “shoulder-surfing” —when someone else looks over your shoulder as you enter your...
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