Tuesday, January 26, 2021
Jackson County (AL) Conducts "Professional Search" for Surveillance Cameras
AL - The Jackson County Commissioners Office moved ahead with a professional search of the courthouse, and a number of other county buildin...
Monday, January 25, 2021
Excellent Article: Last Call for Gumshoes
San Francisco is missing its private investigators. This engaging article by Phil Bronstein explains... Something’s gone missing from...
Saturday, January 23, 2021
Secret Recordings Reveal Sister's Sad Schadenfreude Shortcoming
via The New York Times... My sister revealed that she often records phone conversations that she has with our father without his knowledg...
Another TSCM Fail - Spycam in Girl's Changing Room - No Follow-Up
Here we go again and again . For the third time in two months a spy camera is discovered and the ball is dropped. In the last case—after ...
Friday, January 22, 2021
Home Alarm Tech Backdoored Security Cameras to Spy on Customers
A home security technician has admitted he repeatedly broke into cameras he installed and viewed customers engaging in sex and other intimat...
Legislation Proposed in NY to Protect Owners from Eavesdropping Devices
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is proposing ground-breaking legislation that would require companies that make “smart” devices like smart p...
German Laptop Retailer Fined €10.4m for Video-Monitoring Employees
Data protection authority LfD Niedersachsen has fined Germany-based IT products supplier Notebooksbilliger.de AG €10.4 million ($12.6 mill...
Russia’s Overseas Spies Keep Getting Caught
Spy rings keep getting busted and a massive hack of U.S. government departments has been exposed, but Russia’s spooks keep blundering on......
Antonio Prohías - 100th Anniversary of his Birth
Antonio Prohías arrived in New York in May of 1960 with just $5 in his pocket, pressured to leave Cuba after Fidel Castro accused him of bei...
Inside Information... When Government and Business Clean House
Cleaning up the White House after Donald Trump and Melania Trump moved out cost taxpayers about $127,000. No, this doesn't include bioh...
Friday, January 8, 2021
Is This Mystery Unmanned Vessel Really A Chinese Spy?
On December 20, Indonesian fishermen netted an unusual catch – a torpedo-like submarine drone or unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV), still ...
Landlord Used Hidden Cameras to Spy on at Least 13 Tenants
UT - Criminal charges were filed Thursday against a Salt Lake landlord accused of putting hidden cameras in his tenants’ rooms and recordi...
US Capitol Needs A TSCM Deep Clean
Multiple electronic items were stolen from senators' offices yesterday, U.S. officials confirmed. “This is probably going to take severa...
Thursday, January 7, 2021
Gouverneur Vetos Protective Video Surveillance for Nursing Home Residents
MI - Gov. Gretchen Whitmer opted not to sign a bill allowing nursing home residents to install surveillance cameras in their own rooms... ...
Spy Chip Detector to Thwart Spy Chip Semiconductors
Toshiba and Japan's Waseda University have teamed up to develop a system that can detect so-called spy chips, tiny intruders in server...
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