Friday, April 17, 2009

Cell Phone Spying

Cell phone questions we receive...
"Can someone...
...listen in on my calls?

...listen to my voice mail messages?
...remotely steal my contacts list?
...send fake texts from my phone?
...activate my microphone 24/7?
...make my phone dial someone else?
...get a text stating the length of my call?
...get a text when I use my phone?
...send me texts using a fake number?
...get my new phone number when I switch SIM cards?
...get a text message with the numbers I call and receive?
...track where I am on a computer map using the phone's GPS?
...track where I am on a computer map even if my phone lacks GPS?
...can they do all this from anywhere in the world?
...record my calls using my phone's own internal memory?

...trick me into installing spyware by making it look like a game?

Isn't this illegal to do in the United States?"

investigative video news report)
more stories about cell phone spying)