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Here you go...
Strategies for Protecting National Critical Infrastructure Assets: A Focus on Problem-Solving
• Helps the reader to understand advanced concepts and techniques of risk assessment
• Provides a quick, reliable, and practical "briefcase" reference to use in the office as well as on the road
• Introduces the elements of the risk assessment process by defining its purpose and objectives, describing the behavioural and physical sciences, the techniques employed in the process, and the measurement and evaluation tools and standards used to perform an objective risk assessment.
Hardcover: 648 pages
Publisher: Wiley-Interscience; 1st edition (September 26, 2007)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0471799262
ISBN-13: 978-0471799269
John Sullivant, CSC, CHS-III, CPP - Founder Owner and President
S3E - Sisters Three Entrepreneurs Security Consultants Company
7733 Hampton Ave. Suite 1 - West Hollywood, CA 90046
W: 323-850-6920 Direct: 310-703-4317