UPDATE (5/28/08)
Comments from secret sources who KNOW...
"Could not read any more information than I could with SIMCon or SIM Seizure. Save your money." - S.H.
"Interesting marketing strategy, but the statement on their website that "This is the only SIM Card reader in the world that can actually see the *deleted messages*" is completely false. It is certainly not the _only_ product. You can do the same thing with any SIM/smartcard reader and a copy of Smartcard Commander (manually) or many other SIM analysis packages do it automagically (such as SIM Analyzer Pro), and it will cost you less than half of what Brickhouse is charging for this product. Deleted SMS's are very very simple to recover, as only one byte of the SMS entry changes to mark it as "deleted." Recovery of SMS from the SIM will depend on whether the phone stores SMS (and the other data this product claims to recover) on the SIM card or on the phone itself. Not all GSM phones store SMS/phonebook/etc to the SIM, and it can be a user-defined option where to store the data. Also, a typical SIM card may only hold a maximum of 30 SMS messages." - P.K.