Thursday, August 21, 2008

Anatomy of a Sports Spy

Tom Keegan writes...
"I know a guy who knows a guy who got his start in the college football coaching business as a spy.
This is how the spy didn’t do his job: He didn’t wear a big red “S” on his forehead. He didn’t wear a Groucho Marx nose, glasses and mustache set. He didn’t carry a briefcase.

This is how the spy did his job: He peeled back a few bills from the huge wad of cash one of the coaches paid him, purchased a round-trip airline ticket, and arrived in town mid-week, late enough that if he were spotted, the enemy couldn’t redo its entire game plan. He immediately stopped at the bookstore to load up on gear, so that he could wear it around campus and blend in...

Spies don’t announce their arrivals and departures." (more)