Need a safe place to store your surveillance video...
A new service called Motionbox may be the answer. Unlike, Motionbox makes it easy to share videos with a select group of viewers instead of broadcasting to the world.
There are plenty of other features, too.
You may even want to consider this for personal use. Store all those home videos (and films, once converted to digital video). Allow relatives and others access as you see fit. Even watch your library on your TV...
Motionbox is soon to be a featured Channel on the Roku digital video player. You'll be able to hook the player up to your television and enjoy instant access to all the videos you’ve uploaded to Motionbox. All you need is a TV, a high-speed Internet connection (wired or wireless), and a finger to click the remote! (Win a FREE Roku drawing.)
Like any new business, they want to build momentum quickly. Hence, this special offer aimed at business users...
"I thought that you and the readers of Kevin's Security Scrapbook would be interested. We'll waive the pro-account setup fee for you or any of your readers who sign up - it's a $50 value. There are now 3 levels of Motionbox service - Basic, Premium, and PRO." Lowell Dempsey, Motionbox (more)
For personal use, choose the free Basic package, or the Premium upgrade. ~Kevin