Monday, March 12, 2018

Combatting Corporate Espionage -- Warning Signs

by Adam Brown
In the modern age of relatively cheap and ever-evolving technology, corporate espionage is a real threat that could be perpetrated by any employee or other insider at any time. 

The term “corporate espionage” covers many different types of behavior, ordinarily taking the form of a malicious company insider secretly stealing confidential company information, usually for use in a competing business. The insider may be planning on joining an existing competitor, or may be planning on founding a new competing business of their own.

Hiding a bug in a book binding. | Murray Associates TSCM
Hiding a bug in a book binding.
In essence, however, the term refers to any act of spying that is carried out for commercial purposes. Regardless of the form it takes, the wrongdoer will be looking to exploit the time, money, and hard work you have put in to make your business successful for their own malicious purposes.

Corporate espionage comes in many forms, some more sophisticated than others. While there is no foolproof way to spot all transgressions before it is too late, here are some general warning signs to watch for:
  • The employee begins working from home or out of the office more often;
  • You see an increase in after-hours work or unusual office or remote computer access;
  • The employee begins meeting with customers without recording meetings in company systems;
  • The employee knows about business matters they are not directly involved in;*
  • The employee becomes disgruntled or has a sudden change in attitude;
  • Files or other materials are missing from the office with no explanation;
  • The employee unexpectedly resigns without advance notice; and
  • The employee refuses an exit interview or does not want to discuss post-resignation employment plans. While not necessarily indicative of any improper actions, any of these behaviors should be considered “red flags” that merit further investigation or research. more
* Electronic eavesdropping.
Time for a technical surveillance countermeasures (TSCM) inspection.

You may also want to read... Business Espionage: The Employee Competitor… and what to do about it.