Former state employee James Stephens, from Cedartown, Georgia, accidentally butt-dialed his boss and now he has a new job and is suing his ex-boss...
"His boss called my client's private cell phone from his own private cell phone," Guldenschuh said. "They were both at home when the conversation took place, which tangentially was work related. When the conversation ended, my client walked into the kitchen and, after a time, touched his phone and pocket-dialed his boss.
"The boss determined my client was not talking to him but listened for about 12 and a half minutes," Guldenschuh said. "James and his wife spoke about the phone call he just had with his boss. Mrs. Stevens made some unflattering comments about his boss which the boss took negatively. So the boss ended up firing my client."...
It was shortly after that that Stephens decided to sue his ex-boss for eavesdropping and invading his privacy. more