Thursday, December 26, 2019

Trend Micro Reveals Security Worries for 2020

In 2020, tried-and-tested cyber crimes – such as extortion, obfuscation and phishing – will remain, but new risks will inevitably emerge.

Full 5G implementations will introduce new security threats and the increased migration to the cloud will see more organizations facing risks from their cloud and supply chain.

In addition, the sheer number of connected assets and infrastructures will open doors to threats, and fake images, videos, or audio will be used to manipulate enterprise business procedures.

This is according to a new report from security firm Trend Micro, titled: “The New Norm: Trend Micro Security Predictions for 2020.”

...of special interest to our clients...
IOT devices used for espionage, extortion.
Machine learning and AI will be abused to listen in on connected devices like smart TVs and speakers to snoop on personal and business conversations, which can then provide material for extortion or corporate espionage. more