Sunday, November 29, 2020

Verizon’s 2020 Cyber Espionage Report

Verizon’s 2020 Cyber Espionage Report
, the result of a total of 14 years of research into global data breaches and threat actor activity, has come up with some illuminating observations about long-term patterns of cyber spying. 

Among the major highlights are that criminal organizations and disgruntled former employees play a trivial role in overall attempts, that the public sector is the preferred target of attackers and that desktops and laptops are far more likely to be breached than phones...

Though there is some market for corporate secrets in the criminal underworld, the research shows that these figures make up a small amount of overall cyber espionage incidents: about 4% are from organized crime, and about 2% are from former employees. An overwhelming 85% come from state-affiliated groups, with an additional 8% from nation-states. more