Monday, March 21, 2022

Disney's Alleged Art Espionage Theft - You Decide

When Andrew Martin created a fan-art sculpture of one of the Tiki drummers from Disney's attraction the Enchanted Tiki Room, he planned on turning it into a tip bucket for a Tiki drink night at a local bar...

Instead, he sculpted it during a seven-hour livestream in 2018 and posted the design online so other people could 3D print the sculpture, too. Then, earlier this year, Disney started selling what Martin argues is the exact same sculpture as a 50th Anniversary commemorative music box for $125...

The same imperfections and details on Martin's sculpture are shown on Disney's, too. No credit was given to Martin, even after he reached out to the company multiple times and posted about it to the tune of millions of views on TikTok and Instagram. more