Tuesday, April 5, 2022

The ‘Eavesdropping Scam’ — The Newest Scam Call Tactic

 How It Works

The Eavesdropping Scam is quite sophisticated. First, the scammer calls a potential victim from an unknown number and, since 79% of unknown calls go unanswered, leaves a voicemail. In the message, the scammer is heard talking to another person about the potential victim, claiming: “I’m trying to get ahold of them right now.” Similar to the Wangiri Scam, the Eavesdropping Scam relies on the victim being so interested that they choose to call back. Once the victim returns the call, the scammer can run a variety of scams, most commonly offering fraudulent tax relief services.

The Eavesdropping Scam deploys both a new tactic (leaving non-descriptive voicemails to get a call back) and a new script (pretending to discuss the recipient). 

The scam avoids most call protection services because it does not feature any of the typical scam call markers:
1) The calls use legitimate numbers,
2) people call the numbers back,
3) the call sounds very personal despite being a mass volume robocall, and
4) the content of the voicemail is so vague that it does not include any common fraud-related keywords. more