Friday, June 17, 2022

Drone Zapper – 40 in one blow!

Aerial drones are essentially the new improvised explosive devices (IEDs)—they’re relatively cheap and easily weaponized.
Weaponized swarms of drones working together on a mission are an asymmetric threat that can quickly turn into an ugly situation...

An arms race of sorts is quietly underway to be able to counter any countermeasures against drones...

The U.S. Air Force deployed Raytheon Intelligence & Space’s first high-energy laser weapon system (HELWS) overseas...

HELWS is a 15-kW-class laser weapon system that fires a silent near-infrared beam of light to shoot down a drone or deliver what’s known as a “hard kill” within the defense realm. It’s capable of taking out at least 40 drones coming at it, and has a fairly long (yet undisclosed) range. more