Thursday, June 20, 2024

Security Cam Shoots Paintballs Like in 'Home Alone'

This Security Camera Shoots Paintballs at Intruders.

The track-and-shoot home security cam promises action, but we spot real-world problems after its hugely successful Kickstarter.*

What happens when you combine a paintball gun with a home security cam and smart tracking? All the potential chaos of the Eve PaintCam, an ambitious crowdsourced security camera equipped with smart detection -- and a paintball firing system to mark and scare away intruders.

From creator OZ-IT on Kickstarter and elsewhere, the Eve PaintCam wants people to live out their fantasies of total property control. It even promises face detection to avoid hitting friends (or specifically to hit friends, depending on your mood). more

* Be aware that some Kickstarter projects never materialize, and its use is probably illegal where you live.