Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Thousands of Corporate Secrets Were Left Exposed

This Guy Found Them All...

If you know where to look, plenty of secrets can be found online. Since the fall of 2021, independent security researcher Bill Demirkapi has been building ways to tap into huge data sources, which are often overlooked by researchers, to find masses of security problems. This includes automatically finding developer secrets—such as passwords, API keys, and authentication tokens—that could give cybercriminals access to company systems and the ability to steal data.

In total, Demirkapi has found more than 15,000 active secrets of all kinds.

Within the vast number of exposed keys were those that could give an attacker access to the digital assets of companies and organizations, including the potential to obtain sensitive data. For instance, a member of Nebraska’s Supreme Court had uploaded details of usernames and passwords linked to its IT systems, and Stanford University Slack channels could be accessed using API keys. more