Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Art Imitates Life... again.

The Secret Show is a new animated series, commissioned and produced by British media outlets and British animators, scheduled for a North American premiere in late January. Animated in flash with flat, curious characters moving around a frenetically plotted spy-like environment, The Secret Show is an entertaining new program that is quite like what a lot of animation fans are probably in need of: a series you don't have to think about, because it's madcap fun from beginning to end. More or less, this is an animated television program about a couple of spies in a government organization; but the catch however, is that The Secret Show has as much fun with the subject matter as is possible in the medium. This series is about embracing the oft-absurd nature of spy secrecy to the point where everything is a secret and everything is a joke. ... The animation for The Secret Show is slightly unusual... (more)