In short, millions have bugged their own homes and then wondered why the neighbors are giving them strange looks.
Burglars have found wireless baby monitors to be as handy as an unlocked door or open window. Hearing that a house is empty is considered risk-management in their line of work. "Tanks fur da help, lady!"
All of this has not been lost on The Great American Entrepreneur... Hey, if we could scare them into buying the first one, we can scare them into buying an eavesdropping-resistant second one!
from the seller's web site...
"Imagine what would happen if someone could listen to conversations going on in your house. What kind of sensitive information could you be talking about? How might a potential thief, kidnapper, or rapist benefit from knowing your daily routine?" ... The WireFree system uses a 900 MHz digitally secure radio link between units to keep your conversations private. Even other WireFree units not programmed for your network can't hear your conversations. (more)
Only $119.97 for a set of two!
But wait!
There's more!
Let's see... That's about $60. per voice activated Digital Bug. ...and for a total of $359.91 you get four bugs, a listening post receiver, and a back-up spare bug to keep on the shelf!