Saturday, August 4, 2007

"Can you hear me now?"

UK - Mobile phones have everything these days: GPS, SMS, MP3... and now MI5.

In a development straight out of James Bond, spooks have worked out a way of using everyone's favourite gadget as a bugging device.

Real-life Qs have developed a crafty surveillance technique that involves sending a signal to the target mobile which reprogrammes the electronics and allows it to be used as a listening device. The affected phone - even if it is in standby mode or apparently switched off - remains in contact with the listening station, transmitting conversations picked up on its microphone.

And if you still think this is science fiction, think again. Last week, German police admitted using the system. In Britain, the Home Office have been more, well, British, saying: "We are aware of the technique but we don't comment on which techniques are used by law enforcement agencies." (more)