Sunday, March 8, 2009

Employee Surveillance - Line Drawn in Sand

FutureWatch - Town employees complain of secret surveillance system allegedly installed at mayor's behest.

NY - From his comments in a Feb. 26 article, "Cameras' unannounced installation puzzles Spring Valley DPW employees," you'd think the law applies to everyone except for Spring Valley Mayor George O. Darden.

The last time we checked, eavesdropping was a felony in New York state. If what DPW head Neil Vitiello told our local president is true and Spring Valley DPW workers are being illegally recorded using audio equipment, the village could have legal problems coming that are far bigger than their latest violation of the CSEA contract.

Darden's arrogance knows no bounds. He claims not to know if audio surveillance has been installed. We don't buy that. Isn't this something Darden would be familiar with before using taxpayer dollars to buy or lease cameras? And when were these cameras secured? When CSEA questioned Village Attorney Bruce Levine about the cameras, Levine said he was unaware they had been purchased, let alone installed! (more)
Billy Riccaldo, Beacon, NY — The writer is president, CSEA Southern Region