Some items from the latest issue of Employee Security Connection...
Corporate Espionage Rising: All told, U.S. businesses lose up to $250 billion in revenue as well as 750,000 jobs annually. To help your employees do their part to fight spying and insider risks, we explain the basic types of threats-both technical and non-technical.
Security Risks R Us: Think your employees know their stuff when it comes to spying? Here we offer a quick quiz for your employees to assess their security savvy.
Foreign Affairs: You'll want your employees to take note of this recent case in which a contractor lost his security clearance and went to jail for failing to report his relationship with a Chinese national.
Be Safe When Traveling Overseas: Whether your employees are packing for a pleasure trip or just hoping to do some sightseeing in conjunction with business travel, we provide some timely tips to help them prepare. (q.v. Staying Safe Abroad)
Security Directors...
Employee Security Connection is a quarterly awareness newsletter, developed by the National Security Institute to help educate employees to the risks and security responsibilities for protecting classified and proprietary information. Four quarterly issues, 8 pages each, in Adobe PDF format. Customized with your logo. One subscription allows organization-wide distribution rights (e-mail, intranet or print). They do all the work. You get all the credit. Easy!