Thursday, December 14, 2023

Eavesdropping to the Rescue

Low-Frequency Sound Can Reveal That a Tornado Is On Its Way

You can't hear it, but this sound can reveal that a tornado is on its way...

There's another sound, however, that accompanies tornadoes that we can't hear. It is so low in frequency it is beyond the realms of human hearing, but it could offer a way of providing earlier, more accurate warnings of these destructive storms.

With winds that can reach up to 483km/h (300 mph), the storms that produce tornadoes generate low frequency sound waves – or infrasound – that can travel for hundreds of miles.

Eavesdropping on these infrasound signals may not be able to prevent tornadoes from flattening towns and tossing cars into the air like toys, but it could lead to a new type of early warning system that might save lives. more