SpyCam Story #483 - Eyeball Cam with Brain
from the seller's website..."The worlds smallest spy camera and digital video recorder (DVR). This all in one package is the world’s first DVR and camera complete in the shape of a ball. Inside
this Ping Pong size ball is a motion activated camera and DVR. It captures images at 30 FPS at 320x240 resolution. Comes with 128mb internal memory and supports up to a 2gig micro sd card. It can be used in various applications such as vehicle security, sports, personal security or whatever the user can dream up. This camera is an excellent tool for the private investigator. Now you can literally carry a portable video recorder where ever your subject goes, now you will be able to obtain video in places where your camcorder or you body worn video are useless. Just hold it in your hand; it's that small!"
If that doesn't keep you safe,
try wearing a Nazar Boncuk;the original "Evil Eye."