Saturday, October 25, 2008

The eavesdropping climate in Turkey these days...

Turkey - Deputies made unexpected remarks at the Parliamentary Search Commission that was formed after claims were raised that the CHP's Önder Sav was being wiretapped.

The Nationalist Movement Party, or MHP, Gaziantep deputy Hasan Özdemir is a former police chief. "Including me, every part of society is experiencing eavesdropping paranoia. People, today, cannot talk freely with their friends, spouses or lovers. Something must be done."

"Technically, it is possible to eavesdrop on what we are talking about here from one kilometer away. Most of the official experts are my friends. And despite I am an ex-security director and a new Parliamentary deputy I am trying to be careful while I am on the phone," he said.

Another member, CHP Adana Representative Tacidar Sayın, is a software expert. "It doesn't take 10 minutes of my time to convert a broken radio or television into eavesdropping equipment," said Seyhan, pointing out how easy it is.

The former police director is having fears of being tapped; the former software expert is drawing attention to how simple it is to eavesdrop. Politicians, journalists, authors, intellectuals, academics … everyone is saying that they are being tapped. The Commision's job is not easy. (more)