Friday, February 16, 2007

If you liked "New Math"...'re just gonna' love the "New Daylight Savings."

All your 'automatic' clock adjusters, which operate via internal pre-programmed instructions, are now FUBAR'ed. The implications in the security and computer fields are far-reaching.

Who can we clock for this one???
-- Prankster, Ben Franklin, whose most outrageous ideas had a basis in brilliance. He originally broached the subject of candle-saving as a joke in his 1784 essay "An Economical Project?"
-- William WIllet, a London builder who published "The Waste of Daylight," in 1907?
-- The Germans, for first officially adopting the scheme in 1915?
-- WWI and WWII?
-- Or... the folks who decided to rewrite history again (in the age of computers) with their "Energy Policy Act of 2005?

"The time is, now; prepare!" (more)