Sunday, October 21, 2007

Spybuster's Tip #103 - Spot the Spy

Joe Navarro is an ex-FBI agent. His job was spotting spies. His weapon... he reads body language. These days, Joe writes and teaches poker players how to win.

He can help you spot deceit in your business as well.

Joe says...

"Poker players lie all the time. They pretend they are strong when they are weak or weak when they are strong. The truth is they can all be read. You can have a poker face, but I've yet to see someone with a poker body."

"When you are feeling good _ or have a monster hand _ your body will manifest what it feels. You get happy feet. Your feet begin to bounce up and down like a kid going to Disney World.
We squint at things we don't like. ... The involuntary nonverbal mannerisms dictated by the brain will always betray the strength or weakness of a player's hand."

"If your boss asks at a meeting, `Who is not pulling their weight?', the shoulders will rise on those who are not confident. It's called `The Turtle Effect.' You are trying to hide your head inside your shoulders. On the contrary, a person whose fingertips meet like a church steeple with the thumb pointed up indicates a winning hand."

Want to know more?

Joe's website
A list of common spy personality traits.
Joe teaches at the World Series of Poker Academy

What Every BODY is Saying:
An Ex-FBI Agent's Guide to Speed-Reading People
(due out in April, 2008)