Replacement Battery
May be Mistaken for
a Bugging Device.
This is not a bug.
No need to call us.
The seller claims
this thing can help you...
"Defend yourself from the electromagnetic smog of modern life."
more from their website...
"Wi-Guard batteries contain proven technology that stops man-made EMF (Electro Magnetic Frequency) radiation having an effect on the human body. The widespread proliferation of electronic and wireless devices has led to a huge increase in EMF radiation over the last 50 years. Scientific studies show over a 1 billion fold increase in EMF radiation since 1950, caused in part by the popularity of wireless devices and personal consumer electronics.
Wi-Guard Batteries, developed by Exradia eliminate any potential risk caused by EMF radiation. Utilising technology originally developed by the American military to shield their solders from EMF radiation in battle, Wi-Guard seamlessly converts man-made EMF radiation into harmless natural radiation.
EMF radiation is a naturally occurring phenomenon, present in the environment around us. Wi-Guard works by making use of this phenomenon by introducing a random field that makes emissions behave like the harmless EMF occurring in nature.
Wi-Guard batteries contain the only proven technology that stop man-made EMF radiation from having any effect on the human body. Independent scientific studies show that Wi-Guard technolgy is proven to stop EMF radiation having any effect on the human body." (more)