Monday, March 28, 2011

Export, eh... or, The PC is Smokin'

Dumpster diving isn't something Saskatchewan's privacy commissioner makes a habit of, but this time Gary Dickson says he was left with little choice.

Dickson and two assistants had to wade through a massive recycling dumpster this week to recover medical files. They sorted through paper more than 1 1/2 metres deep after getting a tip directing them to the container behind the Golden Mile Shopping Centre in Regina... "So we seized all of this stuff immediately and the only way we could do that was getting into the recycling bin."

It took a couple of hours to go through the dumpster. Dickson estimates they found more than 1,000 files that should have been shredded.

Whoever tossed the files had to know what they were, he said.

The commissioner said doctors, regional health authorities and other health professionals have long been told to follow Saskatchewan's Health Information Protection Act. The act says trustees have to safeguard personal health information in their custody.

There are fines of $50,000 for individuals and $500,000 for organizations for breaching the act. (more)

A shredder is beginning to look like a bargain, Doc.