Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Spy Cam News: 2024 Singapore Slings

• 519 voyeurism cases were reported last year — a 9% rise. 

• Over 30% of the incidents occurred in victims' own homes.

• Physical crime cases in Singapore remained stable in 2024.

Most cases at residential premises (124 cases or 76.5%) were committed by perpetrators known to the victims (such as boyfriends/ex-boyfriends, household members or fellow tenants). Cases at shopping complexes and on the public transport network typically involved perpetrators not known to the victims.

At public transport nodes, the SPF has started initiatives to display advisory messages on voyeurism prominently on floor decals at selected MRT stations. Anti-voyeurism messages are also broadcast at all MRT stations during peak hours. The SPF has also collaborated with the Restroom Association (Singapore) to introduce security design guidelines, enhancing safety in public toilets. more