UK -
A Royal Navy submarine and a bugged Scottish farmhouse were used to
try to catch the killers of Stephen Lawrence, it has emerged.
The elaborate surveillance operation was set up in 1999 in an attempt
to gather evidence from five men accused of the teenager’s murder, as
they enjoyed a two-week break after giving a high-profile TV interview...
But the Daily Mail yesterday revealed how, before they arrived, police
had planted hidden microphones in the house, in the Perthshire village
of Forteviot. The submarine, which took up position off Dundee, sent the
signal back to London...
The Met rigged up the whole venue with hidden listening devices even
placing them in golf buggies the suspects rode on in the quaint village
of Forteviot.
They relayed their signal to a helicopter circling nearby which
passed it onto the sub which in turn fired it down to detectives in
Scotland Yard.
Even the friendly minibus driver who showed them the sights during
their 15-day Highlands stay was an undercover police officer, reports
the Mail.
One source said: “It was pure James Bond. It was run like a big
anti-terror operation. The team had every piece of kit you had ever
heard of.” more more