Monday, December 24, 2007

Alert - Working Surge Protector is also a GSM Bug

It looks like a power strip.
It acts like a power strip.

It also acts as a surge protector.

What could possibly go wrong?
Ahh, well, ummm... It turns into a giant wireless eavesdropping microphone when called from any telephone in the world!

But, don't let that bother you. It really is a great surge protector. So great, it even surge-protects your telephone! What could possibly go wrong?

Ahh, well, ummm... If you plug your telephone into it the damn thing becomes a wiretap ...which can be monitored from any telephone in the world!

But, don't let that bother you. What are the chances that someone would call in and monitor your room or your phone calls just at the moment you are talking?

Ahh, well, ummm... The damn thing also has ears! Whenever it hears you say anything - in the room, or on the phone - it snitches on you!!! It sends a freekin' text message to your eavesdropper!

"No problem." I hear you say, "Thanks for the tip and the photo, Kevin. Now that I know what this horrid little thing looks like I'll keep alert."

Dude! This gizmo can be built into anything.
Eavesdropping detection audits are a standard business practice. You need to start checking for these things, now. Call me, from a safe phone. (more)