from the company's web site...
"The proliferation of data loss due to the inappropriate or sometimes criminal use of removable media devices has reached alarming levels.
Sanctuary Device Control allows you to regain control of the peripheral storage devices that your user community attempts to connect to your network assets. Through granular policy-based controls, Sanctuary Device Control reduces risk of data theft, data leakage and malware introduction via unauthorized removable media and assures compliance with the landslide of regulations governing privacy and accountability.
Positive Approach to USB Security
Hardware such as USB memory sticks, FireWire external hard-drives, scanners, music players, digital cameras, PDAs, and CD/DVD burner drives are scattered throughout offices around the world. Their proliferation amplifies the threats posed by outsiders or users who plug in devices that could compromise the security of sensitive data.
By employing a whitelist approach, Sanctuary enables only authorized devices to connect to a network, laptop or PC - facilitating security and systems management, while providing the necessary flexibility to the organization." (more) (our earlier warnings 1, 2, 3, 4)