Qtalk secure enables highly encrypted telephony. Qtalk secure uses the data channel and was designed for business customers with the highest security demands. Qtalk secure is a software solution for business customers enabling encrypted telephony (dynamic encryption, AES 256 Bit) through the data channel on mobile end devices and Windows PCs. Qtalk offers secure telephony without the need for compromises in usability or voice quality.
All conversations with Qtalk secure are initiated with a key exchange mechanism (Diffie Hellmann, 1024 Bit) and encrypted dynamically with an AES 256 Bit encryption.
Qtalk secure can be deployed independent of the network operator. It is applicable in a multitude of networks (GPRS, EDGE, UMTS, HSPA, Wi-Fi) and combines for the first time encryption with user friendly handling. The integrated user list allows instant viewing of the status of the contacts (closed user group) at all times and instant calling. (more)
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