The feedback I received spanned from: "Thank you so much..." to one security director saying, "I am buying copies for all our key executives who travel."
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"What makes Ed Lee the big expert?"
Ed Lee retired from the US State Department in April 2006, after a career as a special agent, Regional Security Officer, director of training, chief investigator of the Cyprus Missing Persons Program, director of security of the U.S. Agency for International Development and as a senior advisor in the Office of Anti-Terrorism Assistance.
Most of his work now is devoted to educating global companies and governmental entities in how to be successful and keep their people safe abroad.
His career also includes 15 years as an international security consultant; for ten years he served as the security advisor to the Inter-American Development Bank. Additionally, Ed served six years in the Marines before joining the US State Department as a special agent.
"Why the plug?"
I hear you say.
Just a film noir PI's cliche,
"Dead clients don't pay."