The 7th annual instalment of the Hack in The Box Security Conference in Malaysia (HITBSecConf) has secured some of the most exciting mainstream and underground ICT security experts who will present on a range of highly relevant hardware and software security topics, on the 7th and 8th of October 2009....
Sheran Gunasekera, Head of Research & Development at ZenConsult will present Spying on BlackBerry Users for Fun - a talk which will demonstrate that BlackBerry handhelds can be compromised to sniff user’s email (and optionally instant messages, web browsing traffic, and SMS messages). The presentation will also see the release of the “Bugs & Kisses” toolkit. Bugs, the interceptor can be deployed on BlackBerry handhelds to sniff emails, while Kisses the detector can be used on the device to detect the presence of Bugs or other ‘Bugs-like’ applications. (more)