Friday, March 21, 2014

A Business Espionage Front Line Warning - Pay Attention

While classified and clearly-defined national security information will always be sought-after by our adversaries, there is a rapidly growing interest in corporate America’s intellectual property.

By Doug Thomas, Lockheed Martin Corporation, a 2014 CSO40 award recipient

Throughout much of my 35 years of government service, I was focused on what many people are still focused on today: cleared people, classified programs, and traditional national security... 

Yesterday’s spies were government employees or military personnel, stealing classified information... Today’s depiction of espionage takes on a very different picture.

Today’s spies also come from private industry -- financial institutions, industrial fabricators, defense contractors, members of academia, etc. ...stealing information on behalf of the intelligence service of a foreign nation state, or industrial espionage, where information is stolen to benefit a competitor, either foreign or domestic...

Today there is no difference between national security and economic security. By failing to safeguard the fruits of our innovative labor... we face the prospect of losing our position as a leader in the global marketplace.

The threat... is very real and growing at an aggressive rate...

I urge private industry leadership to take steps to counter this growing threat to our economic prosperity and national security. (more)

My two cents. 
My other two cents.