Monday, March 25, 2019

Security Director Alert: Check for These Bug-Like Products at Your Location

Attackers can remotely compromise multiple network devices (IP PBX, conferencing gear and IP phones), installing malware and eavesdropping via video and audio functions.

A series of both unauthenticated and authenticated remote code-execution vulnerabilities have been uncovered in a variety of Grandstream products for small to medium-sized businesses, including audio and video conferencing units, IP video phones, routers and IP PBXs.

Attackers can also use the vulnerabilities to gain access to cameras and microphones to turn them into listening devices. “The most notable aspect of the vulnerabilities is what you can do simply by using the programs that get shipped on the device,” Brendan Scarvell, senior security consultant at Trustwave SpiderLabs, told Threatpost in an interview.

“This includes playing audio through the speakers, recording conversations through the microphone, activating cameras and taking photos, installing custom software/malware etc. This is pretty bad for places such boardrooms or executive offices where confidential conversations frequently happen. more

Many common office products have information security vulnerabilities. A Technical Surveillance Countermeasures (TSCM) survey, conducted by a competent consultant, will discover them for you.