Your Editor
(not me) chanced upon the following in the library of the National Maritime Museum at Greenwich last winter and it is reprinted here by kind permission of Stephen Rabson, Group Information Manager of P&O.
The document is in the form of a quasi-official report, written by one of P&O's traveling inspectors on two voyages in 1902, one from Southampton to New York, the other from Vancouver to Yokohama.
The writer (whose signature is, alas, indecipherable) was clearly more than a passenger, he was a benevolent spy, assessing conditions aboard the competition...
"I have the honor to report my arrival here yesterday. The following details of the steamers in which I have traveled may interest you..."
This business spy tactic has been around forever. These days corporate espionage is enhanced with electronics (audio, video, and data). This is why businesses have added Technical Surveillance Countermeasures to their security precautions. If you have not, it is highly recommended you do so. Contact a professional TSCM information security consultant to begin protecting your company.