There are places when you just don't want cellular communications... financial trading floors, certain hospital areas, conference and Board rooms where sensitive meetings are held, to name a few.
"What's the solution?"
Forget the obvious. Although radio-frequency jamming gadgets are easy to obtain, they are not legal here in the United States.
Here is what you can do...
• Establish a written "no wireless" policy for your organization.
• Set up a system for storing electronic communications gadgets before allowing entry into a secured area.
• Alternatively, ask people to turn off their communications devices.
• Monitor compliance. "How?"
Here are two detection methods...
General Alert - Install a low-cost cellular receiver (SureSafe, pictured above). It will trip an alarm, turn on a light, or make a voice announcement whenever it detects a cellular transmission within its 1-20 meter range. (
Specific Alert - This pricier system, called AirPatrol, can pinpoint on a computer map (to ≈2 meters) where the offending device is located. It can also be used to locate rogue Wi-Fi devices. Very cool! (