• Two thirds of web users said it's too difficult to remember numerous logins.
• 17 percent said they were concerned they would get locked out of their account if they forgot their password.
• 40 percent of web users admitted that at least one other person knows their passwords, of these two percent confessed an ex partner has access to their social networking and online banking accounts.
• A third of Brits said they believed that these people may have logged in using their details.
• One in ten Brits has had one of their online accounts hacked, with 57 percent of the crimes happening in 2008.
• Of those that saw their online accounts hacked, 18 percent had goods illegally bought in their name, 12 percent had money stolen while five percent also said they'd had their identity stolen.
Sarah Blaney, identity theft expert at CPP, said: "No sensible person would use the same key for their house, car and garage." (more)
It's time for half of us to develop a better password strategy.