This is an off-handed, humorous comment.
It is also deadly accurate.
I handle counterespionage strategy for my client's off-site meetings. Hotels and conference centers are the worst. It is not at all unusual to catch the competition (and unidentified others) hanging around, eavesdropping, crashing meetings and banquets, picking up unsecured papers and engaging meeting participants – one indiscretion can blackmail a loyal employee into becoming a million dollar problem.

Competitors reserve a cosy hotel room above the meeting rooms. They arm themselves with a sensitive radio receiver and a directional antenna. Crashing a meeting is a no-brainer.
You can see how a 2-3 person team from the competition could clean up with very little investment. One might almost call them negligent if they weren't there.
Having an off-site meeting?
Get a counterespionage strategy.
Avoid leaking your corporate blood.