Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Avoid Video Surveillance Liability

via Eric Pritchard, Esq...
Summary: Here are five keys to limiting your liability when using and deploying video:

1. Understand and obey wiretap laws. Federal wiretap laws prohibit the interception of oral communications with limited exceptions.

2. Obey state laws prohibiting video cameras. Several states prohibit or regulate video surveillance.

3. Obey state laws respecting privacy rights. Every state has law concerning an individual’s privacy rights.

4. (Installers) Use an effective, enforceable contract to allocate the risk of loss. An effective contract for the provision of video-related services and equipment should limit your company’s liability just like it does for other services.

5. (Installers) Installing video without a recurring contract is a missed opportunity. Develop a policy of not selling or installing video cameras without a contract for some form of recurring revenue. 

• Side note: If you are the user, keep the system maintained so you are not accused of providing a false sense of security.