Arrested along with Mitchell and charged with similar offenses was Thomas Willard of Downingtown, the owner of the Eddystone-based Logan Technology Solutions...
According to the charges, Mitchell and Willard received up to $133,000 in kickbacks for covert recording devices, cameras and security systems installed at inflated costs throughout borough buildings in Upland. Whelan previously said he believed Mitchell went to Willard with the idea for the scam.
According to invoices and bank records reviewed during the investigation, Willard and his company were paid almost $1 million between 2009 and 2015 for various security-related projects.
According to authorities, video and audio equipment were installed sometime in 2013. A covert camera system installed in Upland’s borough hall was being disguised as the motion sensors for the building’s alarm system. There were three cameras – one in the secretary’s office and two in borough council chambers- brought to the attention of law enforcement by then-Upland Mayor Michael Ciach. more