Sunday, May 15, 2011

Cell Phone Spyware for Kids, or... The Santa Clause

South Africa - A new startup has entered the mobile stage to help parents keep track of their children’s mobile usage. Mobilflock a Cape Town-based startup, that says it makes “cell phones safe for kids by giving parents visibility over how they use their phones, and tools to protect their children from harm.”

The startup is the brain child of Patrick Lawson, founder of Clickatell who according to co-founder Vanessa Clark, “realised the need to protect children on their mobile phones in the same way you would them on a computer”.

The web is crawling with apps and websites that help parents track and protect their children from the dangers on line. Mobiflock joins the likes of Nokia’s Kno-Where an application that allows parents track their children’s whereabouts and activity on less savoury websites like Cell Phone Tracking, and provides parents or quardians with a way of ‘spying’ on any mobile phone...

Here is how it works, parents visit the website (or the soon to be launched Ovi Store and other apps) to download a client onto their child’s mobile. This client then gives parents access to a “secure” online dashboard to monitor phone traffic (calls, messages, web browsing, location), and parents can then set up security barriers and alerts for their child. (more)