Sunday, July 25, 2010

History's Spy Mysteries - The Profumo Keeler Affair

The KGB planted bugs to eavesdrop on John Profumo’s pillow talk with Christine Keeler, according to newly released top-secret files.

The topless showgirl and model’s KGB lover also persuaded her to question Profumo, Britain’s Minister of War, about Britain’s nuclear arsenal, the files reveal.

The reports claim that the Russians obtained ‘a lot of information’ which threatened to undermine Western security, contradicting the long-term view that the affair did not damage UK security and that no secrets were leaked to Russia. ... The papers also reveal how Hollywood star Douglas Fairbanks Jr. (a former US Naval Intelligence officer) knew many of those involved and gave regular reports to Washington about the scandal.

The affair’s exposure in 1963 led to Profumo’s resignation and rocked Prime Minister Harold Macmillan’s Government. (more)